
upload images/ vids

uploadMedia() is there to help you upload images and videos to Twitter easily

options :

alt_text: alt text(required)
tweet_message: a tweet message (optional)

uploading using a file in the system

bot.uploadMedia('path/to/file.png', {... here are the options ... })

include the option tweet_message to send a tweet with the image attached

Sending a image/vid from a Url

You can use this to upload images that are not on the system but hosted on a website the link should be a valid link like this https://www.google.com/images/srpr/logo10w.png

bot.uploadMedia('https://www.google.com/images/srpr/logo10w.png', {options here})

this would out put something similar to this

✔️--finished downloading!
[Node-tweet]-Posting your downloaded images

Last updated