get a user from twitter
this takes a user id or a screen_name
get the user
bot.getUser('dream', function(r) {
This also supports ids
bot.getUser('183905912', function(r) {
id: 183905912,
id_str: '183905912',
name: 'Dream',
screen_name: 'Dream',
location: '',
profile_location: null,
description: '15M subscribers insta: dreamwastaken business:',
url: '',
entities: { url: { urls: [Array] }, description: { urls: [] } },
protected: false,
followers_count: 1999605,
friends_count: 304,
listed_count: 2570,
created_at: 'Sat Aug 28 05:01:24 +0000 2010',
favourites_count: 4852,
utc_offset: null,
time_zone: null,
geo_enabled: true,
verified: false,
statuses_count: 3420,
lang: null,
status: {
created_at: 'Wed Jan 13 19:13:29 +0000 2021',
id: 1349434410798637000,
id_str: '1349434410798637062',
text: "I swear 2021 is going to end with Elon Musk boxing MrBeast and I'm all for it",
truncated: false,
entities: { hashtags: [], symbols: [], user_mentions: [], urls: [] },
source: '<a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter Web App</a>',
in_reply_to_status_id: null,
in_reply_to_status_id_str: null,
in_reply_to_user_id: null,
in_reply_to_user_id_str: null,
in_reply_to_screen_name: null,
geo: null,
coordinates: null,
place: null,
contributors: null,
is_quote_status: false,
retweet_count: 11435,
favorite_count: 420600,
favorited: false,
retweeted: false,
lang: 'en'
contributors_enabled: false,
is_translator: false,
is_translation_enabled: false,
profile_background_color: '000000',
profile_background_image_url: '',
profile_background_image_url_https: '',
profile_background_tile: false,
profile_image_url: '',
profile_image_url_https: '',
profile_banner_url: '',
profile_link_color: '1B95E0',
profile_sidebar_border_color: '000000',
profile_sidebar_fill_color: '000000',
profile_text_color: '000000',
profile_use_background_image: false,
has_extended_profile: true,
default_profile: false,
default_profile_image: false,
following: true,
follow_request_sent: false,
notifications: false,
translator_type: 'none'
Last updated
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